Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Budget-Related Post from Superintendent Logan

At the conclusion of my budget presentation on Monday night, I asked the Board for direction in order to focus the overall budget preparation process.  In looking at the four budget scenarios, the Board decided to delete scenario #4 from consideration.  Scenario #3, that would entail an abbreviated school year calendar, was discussed at length.  The Board asked me to discuss scenario #3 with the principals and to survey other school districts across the state to determine if they are considering an abbreviated calendar as a budget reduction strategy.  The Board was concerned about the number of teaching positions lost in scenario #1.  Scenario #2 reduces the fewest number of certified positions, but has a larger number of teacher assistant cuts. 
Throughout the course of this week I am applying various possibilities to scenario #2 in an effort to reduce additional position loss than is already in this scenario.
The 2011-2012 budget will continue to be discussed at upcoming Board meetings.  I plan to discuss equity with the Board during next Monday night’s meeting that will be held in the Jordan-Matthews auditorium at 6:30 p.m.