Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Superintendent Logan's Budget Discussion Post (3/30/11)

The Board of Education met to narrow its budget scenarios for the 2011-2012 Current Expense Budget on Monday, March 28th.  Following my presentation, the Board discussed various aspects of the scenarios presented and chose to keep scenario IIA, scenario IX and have central office administration add some adaptations to both of these scenarios for additional consideration at next week’s meeting on April 4th.  Using Scenario IIA as a foundation, staff will create a Scenario IIB, and using Scenario IX as a foundation, staff will create a Scenario IXA. 

At the next meeting the Board will also work to prioritize which items to return to the budget if the funding situation (particularly from the state level) improves after the Board adopts a budget proposal.

During Monday night’s meeting, I also plan to present figures showing how planned adjustments in teacher allocations will help to equalize the per pupil expenditure at each school.  Monday night’s presentation will also include projected instructional impacts of each proposed budget scenario (Scenario IIA, Scenario IIB, Scenario IX and Scenario IXA).  Additionally, recommendations and feedback from school suggestion boxes and the public hearing at the beginning of the meeting will be incorporated into the discussion.  A budget proposal for submission to the County Commissioners will be adopted at the April 11th Board of Education meeting.